Registry of Deeds 373-49-247872
No. 247872 John Meredith Marriage Settlement
Reg[istere]d 20th Sept[embe]r 1785 at Twelve O’Clock at noon
1: A Memorial of an Indented Deed of Settlement dated the twelfth
2: day of September one thousand and eighty five Made
3: Between John Meredith of Temperaney in the Co: of Wicklow Gent of the
4: first part Martha Meredith o[the]rwise wife of the said John Meredith of the second
5: part William Meredith of Ballykillcaven in the Queens Co: Esq[ui]re second
6: son of the said John & Marther Meredith of the third part Sarah Garrett
7: of Mount Pleasent in the Co: of Carlow spinster of the fourth part and
8: John Butler of Mewil in the Co: of Kildare Esquire and Isaac
9: Jones of the City of Dublin Gent. of the fifth part reciting amongst
10: other things that a marriage was then intended to be solomized Between
11: the said W[illia]m Meredith and Sarah Garrett and that said W[illia]m Garrett [sic]
12: Was a member of the Provident and Equitable Annuity Companies of
13: Dublin by which said Deed the said John Meredith in consid[eratio]n of the Marriage
14: portion of said Sarah Garrett to w[hi]ch said W[illia]m Was to be Entitled on said
15: Marriage and other considerations therein did grant release assign and
16: make over unto the Said John Butler and Isaac Jones all that part of the
17: Lands of Templerany containing one hundred and forty four acres and a
18: half then in the possession of the said John Meredith and his undertenants
19: situate in the North Shire of the L[or]dship of Arklow and Co: of Wicklow
20: demised by the Late Ralph Howard Esq[ui]r[e] now L[or]d Wicklow to the said John
21: Meredith (except as therein excepted) to hold said Lands with the appurtenances
22: Unto the said John Butler & Isaac Jones and the survivor of them and
23: the Heirs and Assigns of such survivor from thenceforth from the Term of
24: Lives and years by the said Lease & awriting thereon Indorsed grant[?]
25: then unexpired at the yearly rent of fifty pounds as therein ment[ione]d upon
26: the Trusts and to and for the sev[era]l Uses Intents and Purposes therein
27: Particularly mentioned and declared and for the like considerations the s[aid]
28: William Meredith did grant lim[it?] & appoint unto the said Sarah Garrett
29: during her life two annuities of Fifty pounds and sixty pounds payable
30: Respectively by the Charter partys of said annuity Companies to the
31: widow of the said William Meredith in manner as therein mentioned
32: and subject to the conditions & restrictions thereof & for the Like cons[ideration]
33: the said William Meredith did By said Deed charge & Incumber All
34: the Estate Both Real & personal whereof He sh[oul]d die seised Posse[sse]d or
35: Entitled unto w[i?]th an annuity ten pounds for the said Sarah Garrett
36: In case she sh[oul]d survive him in addition to the Provision made for her
37: out of the said Annuity Companies payable Half yearly as therein Ment[ioned]
38: Which said Deed & this Memorial are witnessed by Tho[ma]s Annesly of Arklow
39: In the Co: of Wicklow Gent. and John Devine Servant to the said William
40: Meredith – John Meredith seal W[illia]m Meredith seal Signed & Sealed
41: In presence of Thomas Annesly John Devine The above named Tho[mas]
42: Annesly maketh oath that he saw the Deed of which the foregoing writing
43: Is a Memorial duly signed sealed & Executed by the above Named John
44: Meredith Martha Meredith and William Meredith & Sarah Garrett parties
45: Thereto and also saw the said John Meredith & W[illia]m Meredith duly sign
46: Seal & Execute the said Mem[oria]l saith dep[onen]t is a Subscribing Witness to the
47: Said Deed & mem[oria]l& delivered the same to John Moore Gent Dep[ut]y Reg[istra]r on the
48: Twentyth day of Sept[embe]r one thousand Seven hundred & Eighty five at or near twelve
49: O’Clock at noon Tho[s] Annesly Sworn the 20th Sep[tembe]r 1785 Jno Moore Dep[u]ty Register