The Meredith Queens Co. Project of Family Tree DNA

RESULTS:   shared cM

The Family Finder results for Meredith list members who have been tested are presented in the matrix below. The initials of the members are shown in the first column and first row, in surname order. The value of the shared cM between two individuals is shown at the intersection of their respective names in the row and column. For example, RDB and DC have a shared cM of 867.

Note: the matrix may be slow to load.   It is large and will be partially displayed in the browser window.  To scroll it to the left/right or up/down using the mouse, first place the mouse pointer inside the box.  Alternatively, click on a cell and use the cursor keys.   A row or a column can highlighted by clicking on the row number or column letter.

The matrix can be downloaded by clicking on the first icon in the bottom right of the matrix window.  It can be viewed in a full-size workbook by clicking on the last icon, or alternatively by clicking here.    See also the matrix of predicted relationships and of relationship ranges.