This website is a compilation that draws on the research of many others, most notably that of Sharon Haggerty and the group of Meredith researchers for whom Sharon's email list server provided a central point of contact. Sadly, Sharon passed away in 2016, and it is hoped that this website will continue the momentum that she generated, through her great energy and enthusiasm, in advancing our knowledge of Irish Merediths and their descendants.
Grateful thanks go to everyone whose research has been included in this compilation. Best endeavours have been made to attribute research results to their original authors with an appropriate citation (while respecting privacy), and to provide citations to sources resulting from my own research. Please contact me through the Guestbook if you feel due credit has not been given to any information presented on this website.
This website is dedicated to the memory of Sharon Haggerty, who did so much to advance the knowledge of Irish Merediths.