The Irish Merediths

Meredith families who settled in Ireland and their descendants

Kerry Merediths

The Kerry Merediths

The Meredith branch that was established in Co. Kerry from the late 17th century has its roots in Montgomeryshire, Wales. The Merediths acquired their Co. Kerry estates in Ireland through marriage into the important Herbert family of Montgomery Castle.

Edward Herbert, third Baron Herbert of Chirbury was also third Baron Herbert of Castle Island (1630-1678), and it seems to have been through the marriage of his niece to Richard Meredith of Montgomeryshire that the lands of Dicksgrove and Tiernagoose in Co. Kerry were acquired by the Merediths. Richard was sent to manage the estates in Ireland, and so became the earliest Meredith ancestor of the Kerry family line.

The immediate ancestor of the Kerry Merediths in Wales was David Meredith of Gowres in the parish of Llanwyddelan, Montgomeryshire. This Meredith family has a distinguished lineage that goes back through the male line to Cynfelyn ap Dolffyn, who was Lord of Manafon & Rwysley in the 12th century, and thence to Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, the King of Gwynedd and Powys who died in 1075.

Site Navigation: 

The names of specific persons in this Family Line can be found in the Surname Index.

The family history can also be explored through different types of chart:

  • an Indented Chart and a Box Chart that show the relationships and family groups visually. Each name on the charts is linked to a separate biographical page for that person.
  • a Fan Chart that shows the descendancy on a single page, but with names not linked to biographical entries.
  • an Indented Pedigree Chart that shows the Welsh ancestry of the earliest Meredith to settle in Co. Kerry, with names linked to their biographical entries.

A Schematic Diagram shows the connections between the various Meredith Family Lines documented on this website, and their possible connections back to Wales.

The charts and the schematic diagram can be accessed directly from any page on the website by means of the Charts menu item and its sub-items.